Duckfeed Update: April 1, 2016

No, none of this is an April Fool's joke.

DuckSpring Final Total

Last weekend, a large number of people from our community dedicated their weekend to streaming games to benefit the Transactive Gender Center. All of the donations have rolled in, and I'm excited to announce that DuckSpring raised $1608.44 after fees and currency exchange. This is huge, and I'd like to thank Sporky and all the others for organizing the effort for this great cause.

Patreon Changes (NEW REWARD SHOWS)

We're always looking for new ways to make backing our Patreon worth your while. A little earlier this year, we put out a survey asking about particular rewards, and we're making a change to our upper tier rewards to reflect the data we got back.

After the next batch of note cards and physical show ephemera goes out to $20+ backers, we're discontinuing that reward. So, if you're a backer at that tier and you were just charged, you will still get the appropriate number of notes 'n' stuff in May, as scheduled.

What's replacing this? CONTENT. We're introducing two new bonus shows that our highest-level backers will get access to first. What are these shows?

  • Adaptation Decay: A show where Gary and I examine just how badly it can go when filmmakers, television directors, or authors adapt video games to other media.
  • Try This: Recommending media is such a dicey proposition. Even if you're sure someone will like it, it can feel like an imposition. On each episode of Try This, Gary and Kole will foist a piece of media on each other and then talk about both of them. Films, short stories, comics, short games... It's all fair game.

These will come out on alternate months, so Adaptation Decay, Try This, Adaptation Decay, Try This... and so forth. Episodes will then become available for sale after a period of exclusivity.

We believe this is a trade up... Instead of getting an envelope of stuff every quarter, you're getting a new episode of a bonus show every month. Pretty great, right? The first episode of one of these shows will come out later in April.


It's the start of a new quarter, which means it's time for a new WOFFTRAX. Part 3 covers our sketches from the Earthbound episodes to the Yoshi's Island episode, and it's available for $5+ backers and will remain available until the end of June.

Part 2 is now available on the store for $2.50.

Exquisite Suffering: Glover and Extreme Sports With the Berenstain Bears!

The new Exquisite Sufferings just rolled over today, too.

Backers at the $6+ level will hear Gary and I talk about "Extreme Sports with the Berenstain Bears", a truly awful little game.

Meanwhile, head over to the store to buy our episode about Glover.

Recent Releases:

Upcoming WOFF! Games:

  • Portal / Portal 2
  • Warcraft III
  • Brawler Poll Winners