Episode 124: Silent Hill 3

Gary Butterfield and Kole Ross ooze affection for Silent Hill 3.

A teenage girl is in trouble. The world is warping around her, and strange people are saying that she's destined to birth Paradise. That's the setup to Silent Hill 3, one of the scariest and most upsetting games in existence. The story has problems, but for atmosphere and dread it has almost no rival.

If you haven't played the original Silent Hill, don't worry: We go out of our way to provide all of the context you need to understand what's going on here. Enjoy!

Episode 107: Zone of the Enders

Gary Butterfield and Kole Ross fly through Zone of the Enders.

It's not bad for a game to be simple, or for a game to be slight. It's bad for a game to feel incomplete. That's what we're up against with Zone of the Enders. We went in expecting satisfying, flashy combat, but what we found was a thin veneer of style covering mostly air. This is a game that's most well known for its demo, and that's a strange, historical anomaly.


Episode 105: Spider-Man 2

Gary Butterfield and Kole Ross spin a yarn about Spider-Man 2.

What happens when you have one great mechanic, one okay mechanic, and a bunch of other stuff that surrounds them? You get Spider-Man 2, the first superhero game that did a great job of making you feel like a superhero. The swinging is damn near perfect, but does everything else stand up?


Episode 101: Katamari Damacy

Gary Butterfield and Kole Ross heap praise on Katamari Damacy.

It's simultaneously a singular expression, and one of the most eclectic games we've covered for the show. Katamari Damacy is an extremely simple game with one goal: to instill as much joy in you as possible. And it works.


Episode 47: Deus Ex (Part 1)

Gary Butterfield and Kole Ross blow the lid off of the first half of Deus Ex.

Everything you've heard is true. The fluoride in your water is intended to keep you docile. Black Helicopters are tracking your grocery habits. And smoking will kill others. Deus Ex is a delightful and terrifying game, where your hero is on the spectrum and all the world is a playground.

It should be noted that this is a Part 1. This episode goes up until you first get to Hong Kong. We will cover everything after that in the next episode.

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Episode 45: Max Payne

Gary Butterfield and Kole Ross enter an altered state to talk about Max Payne.

Your wife and only child are dead, and you want blood. Also, it's a noir video game. We ultimately express our indifference towards the shooter genre, but we love the presentation bits enough to extend a lot of good will toward it.

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