We're coming up on the five year anniversary of Watch Out for Fireballs!, and we want to celebrate this milestone by having playing a game that our whole community can enjoy. That's why we're covering Team Fortress 2, and setting up a private server (along with a Discord voice chat server) for our fans for the months of August and September.

Team Fortress 2 is a free-to-play game that you can easily get on Steam, and it will run on all kinds of machines.

You can find the connection instructions below.


Server IP: duckfeed.clanservers.com
Server Password: soulreaver

Detailed Connection Instructions:

  1. Launch Team Fortress 2.
  2. Click "Find a Game" under "Play".
  3. Select "Community Servers".
  4. Select the "Favorites" tab.
  5. Click "Add a Server" at the bottom of the server browser.
  6. Enter duckfeed.clanservers.com as the IP address and click "Add this address to favorites".
  7. Connect to the server. When prompted, enter the password "soulreaver" (without the quotes).
  8. Select your team, your class, and play.


Discord is a free voice chat app made specifically for gaming. We're choosing this for our voice chat solution because it's free, and easy to use (it's very similar to Slack).

  1. Download the Discord App.
  2. Configure it to your liking.
  3. Click the "+" in the sidebar.
  4. Enter the following text into the "Instant Invite" field: https://discord.gg/kMm3TvC
  5. Join the appropriate Voice Channels on the server.


All normal Duckfeed community rules apply equally to both the TF2 server and the Discord server. These rules are subject to change and expansion.

  1. Be respectful.
  2. Don't cheat or be a bad sport.
  3. Anything blatantly offensive or obscene will be grounds for banning. This operates on a "We Know It When We See It" basis.
  4. This includes slurs of all kinds, be they racial, sexual, or religious.
  5. Please report bad behavior to Gary or Kole.


Watch our Twitter feed (@DuckfeedTV) for announcements of large games, or Mann vs. Machine events.